Six Effective Ways to Create Killer Content

Six Effective Ways to Create Killer Content

Imagine that you could create a single piece of content that determines your entire success on the web; it’s very possible. Creating a piece of killer content that gains the attention of your community, builds your brand and becomes a steady source of web traffic...
Landing Page Templates

Landing Page Templates

Landing pages are so very important if you're driving traffic to your site via PPC.  That's why you need some nice landing page templates you can customize for your special offer.  Below are 45 landing page HTML templates that are really inexpensive and help you to...

Commission Junction Now Offering Flash Banner Ads

Flash Hosting provides Commission Junction’s advertisers and publishers with a new type of link creative… Flash banner ads. Feature short, non-interactive animated banner ads. They automatically start, have continuous play and generally last approximately 5-15...

Free Flash Photo Gallery Script

I stumbled upon this cool little flash photo gallery script that allows you to run a cool flash slideshow on your site. It is super easy to install and use. It's basically a few files you have to upload and change the permissions to.  (that's not what you're looking...

The Case Against Flash.

I don't know if you've noticed, but people have quite a bad reaction to Flash, in general. Sure, it can be used well, but the reaction of most visitors to something starting to load will be “oh no, Flash!”, followed by a hasty dash for the back button. Why...

Taking HTML Further with Javascript.

Once you've built your HTML pages, you might need them to do something a little more interactive on the client-side (that is, in the visitor's web browser). How can you do that? Javascript is the answer. How Does Javascript Work? To add Javascript to your HTML, you...

It’s a World Wide Web: Going International.

While many websites seem to assume that everyone lives in America and speaks English, most of the world, oddly enough, doesn't. If you want your website to be successful internationally, you need to make your content available in languages other than English. Machine...

Focus on the User: Task-Oriented Websites.

There are, broadly speaking, two kinds of websites: ones where visitors come to be informed and entertained, and ones where users come to get things done. The second kind of website usually provides some kind of interactive service, which could be anything from...

6 Reasons Why You Need a Website.

If you don't have a website, then you might not realise all the great things they can do for you. Maybe you think there wouldn't be any point, because your business is too small or maybe you don't even have a business! Perhaps you think it'd be a lot of work for...

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