Imagine that you could create a single piece of content that determines your entire success on the web; it’s very possible. Creating a piece of killer content that gains the attention of your community, builds your brand and becomes a steady source of web traffic takes time and imagination but your investment toward content creation has a vast return on investment than aiming to create smaller, one-off pieces of work that are drowned in the vast information ocean called the web.

This article will explain six effective ways that you can create killer content that captures the attention of the web, launches your online brand and creates a never-ending flow of targeted web traffic.

#1: Write a definitive tutorial on a single subject

The web is jam-packed with powerful, informational pieces of content that teaches nearly any type of subject you wish to learn. You could become the source of information rather than being on the receiving end by compiling your knowledge, about a subject, into an incredibly detailed tutorial style blog post or website article.

The secret to creating killer content through tutorial style posts are the ideas, imagination and information you accurately deliver in a timely manner. Information you use for tutorial posts can be compiled through web research or through your own experiences; the later is the best choice.

You are the expert in topics you thoroughly understand; there will always be individuals that are still fresh to your niche and topics. Your task is to pour your best information into a piece of content which takes an individual from the very basics to becoming a master in the topic.

Tutorial posts can be done for any number of topics, such as:

  • Web design tutorials
  • Diet and exercise routines
  • How to repair a car

The list, quite literally, can go into the infinite. Taking the information you already retain and reinforcing it with additional information you’ve learned from the web is the secret formula for creating a tutorial post that entire communities will recognize and use as a definitive source when need be; that, is killer content.

#2: Design an infographic

Infographics have caught on like wildfire; they are easy to digest, passed around rapidly on social media and have an additional level of entertainment when people wish to learn something on the web. Infographics are the true body of killer content if you find topics people are interested in learning; the information is presented through design but still has the same amount of written content as one would pour into a blog post or website article.

Infographics are relatively easy to create; once one completes research, in a topic, the heavy design work can be passed off to those that have experience in design programs such as Photoshop. The inclusion of graphs, charts, design characters, typography and overall style of print layout should be tended with care as it ultimately captures the reader’s attention. However, the information, at its core, is the most important element and will need to combine entertainment with knowledge in a fun and easy format.

Added benefits of infographics are how easy they are shared on the web which can lead to viral traffic explosions. Infographics can be embedded with a few lines of code, uploaded to picture sharing websites, used in other content pieces and be quickly saved to hard drives. The design aspect, of infographics, will capture people more readily than trying to ‘convince’ them to read thousands of words.

#3: Shoot, edit and produce a video

People, in some ways, have taken a relaxed approach to content consumption ever since the invention of the television. It wasn’t too long after that web video was possible on the web which lead to wildly popular websites like Youtube, Vimeo, Dailymotion and many more.

Your content does not need to stick to a single medium such as text. Content can come in many different formats; one which has the potential to create lasting impact is video. Video lets you include additional methods to share information through visual and audible mediums; it creates a higher level of engagement in the viewer.

Video, remarkably, is extremely simple to create because of the falling price of technology. You can now purchase HD video cameras for less than $100 which come pre bundled with video editing software; this allows you to create engaging video from the comfort of your home or office without the high overhead that you would have faced just ten years ago.

Likewise, screen capture tools such as Camtasia can be used to record your actions, on-screen, and later edited to create a full featured video for your audience. Such uses of screen capture tools have started an entire vehicle to content delivery called ‘screencasts’.

Each video you create gives you an opportunity to reach multiple channels within your community. Video can be embedded within your website or blog, uploaded to video sharing websites like Youtube and readily shared in social media circles. An engaging, informative video is one of the best pieces of killer content you should aim to create for your website.

#4: Record and launch a podcast

Ever since the invention of the radio, people have been enthralled by audio recordings. Audio gives you the freedom to be entertained and taught without taking away from your current activities which, depending on your niche, can be phenomenal if your community is readily busy with their own projects.

Podcasts couldn’t be any easier than it is today; a $20 microphone headset and a free audio recording program, such as Audacity, are all that you need to get started with Podcasting. Your audio can cover any topic that you would in written or video form; your content is what matters though which is why you should take special attention to how well you are able to convey coherent thoughts and ideas through the medium.

There are dozens of ways to create podcasts, such as:

  • Reading, aloud, your previous content from your website
  • Interviewing key players in your market, niche or community
  • Having a free-for-all, roundtable discussion with current events

Think of your podcast as an additional channel for producing killer content. Your website can be the source for written content, video websites for the motion picture medium and Podcasting for audio; a strong command, and presence, in each medium further places you as a main player in your niche.

Once created, you may upload your podcasts to services like iTunes, embedded into your website or even placed on compact discs to be handed out to people when you meet in person. Your content is only limited by your creativity and willingness to record audio; once you gain a firm grasp on the format you will have yet another channel to reach people.

#5: Develop an ebook and share it for free

Ebooks, electronic books, are a fantastic method for content delivery because of their perceived value and overall free form on how content is shared. An ebook can cover any subject which fits your community, infuse print design elements and have the added advantage of hyper linking which can be used to point people to additional information. In essence, an ebook can be used as a killer piece of content because it automatically takes on the form of ‘higher end’ content.

The best kept knowledge has no value if it isn’t shared with others. A sure-fire way to build authority, within your niche, is by giving away your best secrets as this sets you on a new level in comparison to your competition. Although it may seem like you’re giving away the honey pot you are actually cementing your expertise on the subjects you know best; this makes people take notice and builds a greater level of trust which leads to a strong following online.

Ebook creation is easier than ever. A simple word processing program is all that you need to begin creating an ebook; it’s the time and resources to devote to writing that is the real pain.

An ebook can be formed through multiple methods, such as:

  • Compiling the best content from your website
  • Creating a long-form tutorial style piece of work
  • A compilation of quotes, suggestions and bits of knowledge from industry leaders
  • A white paper on the current trends, events and future of your industry

The ebook should take in all accounts of great copywriting which is why the title and cover design play important roles. Your ebook can begin to be shared in social networks, on your website, sold, given away to your email list, uploaded to sites like Scribd and many more once you’ve completed your work. The viral natures of ebooks are immensely powerful; they cement your placement as an authority within your niche and continually drive interested parties to you through content marketing.

#6: Compile information to create a case study

Case studies provide people with an introspective look into topics which may otherwise go unnoticed. Case studies can become a powerful form of content as they pull together your own knowledge, something interesting in the topic and information which your readers could use in their own projects.

A case study is a long-term engagement in order to produce sizable results but this investment on time and resources can become a definitive piece of work that is later referenced by many people in your industry. Compiling information about a topic, business or individual will drive attention to the subject and come full circle when the favor is returned through backlinking, social media shares and reciprocal attention from the topic’s community.

Case studies can come in many forms and cover any number of topics, including:

  • An introspective look at business practices of major market leaders
  • How an individual is changing ‘the game’ in the industry
  • Different methods how something was accomplished by an individual or business

The main draws of case studies are their detail to information and story telling style of content delivery. People read case studies because they place themselves into the same scenario; it’s much like interactive learning but with a story to hold on to. If you are able to find a topic which people wish to learn, discover someone doing it right and include your own take on how you believe it was accomplished you are fulfilling multiple channels of content creation; you’ve captured your reader.


The time and resources you pour into creating killer content has a reciprocal effect; spending time to create a definitive piece of work, rather than a dozen smaller ones, will create a greater impact in your community than those which were compiled and published in a single afternoon.

Your content can be seen as a product. Product development is a time-consuming process but they produce a greater return on investment than simple one-off pieces of work. Think of your website as your business, content your product and your online presence will be met with enthusiasm; the item that sets your website above anyone else.

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