Google’s New Favicon

I'm not sure about you but I am really not getting used to seeing Google's new favicon. It's definetely harder to find when you have multiple tabs open. And yeah… According to Google: “We recognized there was a need for a Google icon that would better work...

Taking HTML Further.

HTML might seem like a simple language for web documents, and to an extent, it is that's what it was intended to be. If you know what you're doing, though, you can do a lot more with HTML than you might think. This article should give you a few ideas on how to take...

Python and Ruby: the Newer Alternatives.

Thanks to the nature of open source, almost anyone can write a programming language and get a significant number of people to use it: and plenty of people have. Two of the newest and fastest-growing players when it comes to open source web languages are Python and...

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