16 WordPress Plugins for Better SEO

WordPress is pretty SEO Friendly out-of-the-box but there are some things that aren't built in and that's why SEO plugins are necessary.  This list of wordpress SEO plugins do some cool things that will help you increase how effective your wordpress site is to search...
Photography Website Templates

Photography Website Templates

Even though I'm a big fan of WordPress, not everyone is comfortable with it. Some people still want to use straight HTML templates for their sites. If you're familiar with editing HTML by hand or in an editor like Dreamweaver then these templates will help you get...

Video: How to Install a WordPress Blog Fast

This video shows you how to install WordPress fast on your website using Fanastico in Cpanel.  It's the quickest and easiest way to install WP that I know of.  I am using Hostgator to demonstrate this.. they offer cpanel and fantastico with their hosting plants. And...

New Art & Copy Documentary

Doug Pray's a documentary film maker who's made the movies Scratch, Surfwise and Hype! among others. He has a new movie out called Art & Copy which I'm excited about. Check out the trailer. I was happy to see George Louis in it… he's the ad giant who created the...
Portfolio WordPress Themes

Portfolio WordPress Themes

*This post is old and some of the themes no longer exist.  Most were from the themeforest Portfolio themes section you can find here. Listed below are 12 of the most popular portfolio wordpress themes out of 52 670+ listed over at themeforest. Some of these themes are...

Can Design Save The Newspaper?

Jacek Utko is an extraordinary Polish newspaper designer whose redesigns for papers in Eastern Europe not only win awards, but increase circulation by up to 100%. Can good design save the newspaper? It just might.

Paula Scher: Great design is serious (not solemn)

Paula Scher looks back at a life in design (she's done album covers, books, the Citibank logo …) and pinpoints the moment when she started really having fun. Look for gorgeous designs and images from her legendary...

David Carson: Design, discovery and humor

Great design is a never-ending journey of discovery — for which it helps to pack a healthy sense of humor. Sociologist and surfer-turned-designer David Carson walks through a gorgeous (and often quite funny) slide deck of his work and found...

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