Portfolio WordPress Themes

Portfolio WordPress Themes

*This post is old and some of the themes no longer exist.  Most were from the themeforest Portfolio themes section you can find here. Listed below are 12 of the most popular portfolio wordpress themes out of 52 670+ listed over at themeforest. Some of these themes are...
Web Design Tutorial Websites

Web Design Tutorial Websites

If you're a designer or even someone who just wants to learn more about web design for your personal website these are some great websites that offer tutorials and resources.  Here are 26 websites with great web design tutorials. Webdesign tutsplus In depth articles...
Photography Website Templates

Photography Website Templates

Even though I'm a big fan of WordPress, not everyone is comfortable with it. Some people still want to use straight HTML templates for their sites. If you're familiar with editing HTML by hand or in an editor like Dreamweaver then these templates will help you get...
15 Free PSD Website Templates

15 Free PSD Website Templates

The process of starting to design a new website can be very challenging. Here's a nice collection of Photoshop web templates. These are a great way to get started with your new designs. They can be used as the core of your design, be customized for your use, to learn...

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