50 Most Popular WordPress Themes on TF

50 Most Popular WordPress Themes on TF

Here are 50 of the most popular WordPress themes on TF (Themeforest).  They are ranked most popular by highest number of sales. Clicking on any of the thumbnails will take you to the theme. There's more info at the end of this post about how knowing what themes are...
Portfolio WordPress Themes

Portfolio WordPress Themes

*This post is old and some of the themes no longer exist.  Most were from the themeforest Portfolio themes section you can find here. Listed below are 12 of the most popular portfolio wordpress themes out of 52 670+ listed over at themeforest. Some of these themes are...
WordPress Themes For Photography

WordPress Themes For Photography

Looking for the perfect wordpress theme to display your photographs? Are you looking for a more professional photography website? Or maybe just a photo blogger? If you're a photographer or artist and you want to use wordpress to run your site there are some themes...

Google Pagerank Update Pissing Off Lots Of People

So Google updated it's pagerank about a week and a half ago and a lot of people are pissed to the point where they are taking action against Google. I mean to the point where they are disallowing the googlebot to even index their sites. Vlad is one of them. He's using...

Mybloglog tracking all your clicks, traffic, what else?

So you've seen what looks like everyone and their brother using Mybloglog's nifty little widgets on their blogs displaying the last visitors along with photos. When I first saw this I thought, hmmm, that's interesting, another company has jumped onto the blog...

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