Ever wonder how to give a good elevator pitch?  An elevator pitch is basically when someone asks you what you do and you answer in a way that gives them not only a good understanding of what you do but builds interest so that you can further discussion and maybe gain a client.  Most people just label themselves ie. I'm a designer, or as in the video, I'm a financial planner.  Just answering with a label doesn't really build interest so you should use this 3 part formula to give the best pitch you can.

Bob Bly who's a well known copywriter gives an example and 3 part formula for giving a great elevator pitch.

3 Part Formula for a Successful Elevator Pitch

1. Ask a question – So for example if you do SEO you could say “Do you know how millions of people search google every day using keywords to find what they are looking for?”

2. Say what it is you do – “Well what I do is help business owners get their website ranked in the top position on google for keywords people would use to find their business online.”

3. List the main benefit you give – “This helps increase their revenue by bringing targeted leads directly to them.”

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