Landing pages are so very important if you're driving traffic to your site via PPC.  That's why you need some nice landing page templates you can customize for your special offer.  Below are 45 landing page HTML templates that are really inexpensive and help you to create a nice landing page for your OTO (one-time-offer), optin, etc.  At the end of this post is more info on landing page design and how to optimize your landing page.

It's important to add that landing page templates are sometimes known as squeeze page templates or optin templates.  Squeeze pages and optin pages are landing pages geared towards building email lists.

1. Oceanic Landing Page

Oceanic Landing Page

2 different layouts, Jquery driven testimonial section, large product image area, call to action areas, Twitter feed, social icons, tipsy rollovers.
CSS, html, jpg, JS and layered PSD files included.

2. TheLanding Landing Page

Oceanic Landing Page

Fixed layout. Simple style with half or full header video options.
CSS, html, jpg and layered PSD files included.

3. Esperto


Clean design. Jquery scroller, cufon font replacement, fully working Ajax contact form.
PSD, CSS, html, jpg, JS and PHP files included.

4. Conversion


W3C valid html code, tableless layout, 5 different page templates, infinite color variations, jQuery powered product tabs and tooltips. CSSm html, jpg, JS and layered PSD files included.

5. Aida Ajax Paper Landing Page

Aida Ajax Paper Landing Page

960 grid PSD design and markup, fancybox integration, 54 color & size combinations, optional subscribe button. CSS, html, jpg, JS and layered PSD files included.

6. Clickr


Valid W3C html5 markup, 3 page templates, jQuery cycle slider, cufon font replacement. CSS, html, JS and layered PSD files included.

7. Aquitaine


2 layouts with static image and video embed, 5 different skins, jQuery lightbox, bonus PSD with 20 buttons and 10 badges.
CSS, hmtl, jpg, JS and layered PSD files included.

8. Land-o-Mania


Unlimited color options, 4 page styles, 3 AJAX PHP forms with validation, 5 colors included, hover fading, PrettyPhoto plugin, tabbed content, comparison table, ToolTip plugin.
CSS, html, jpg, JS, layered PNG, layered PSD and PHP files included.

9. Slickster


Cufon font replacement, PSD design and markup, Fancybox integration, Easyslider gallery integration, optional subscribe field and button, social icon links.
CSS, html, jpg, JS and layered PSD files included.

10. Autopilot


Valid xhtml and CSS, complete PHP contact form with validation, cufon text replacement, photo and video lightbox, testimonial transitions, 1 template page (3 themes).
CSS, html, jpg, JS, layered PSD and PHP files.

11. iLanding


2 colored skin variations, 2 layouts (software and app), Pretty-Photo lightbox gallery, twitter feed integration, contact form, social icon area.
CSS, html, jpg, JS, layered PSD and PHP files included.

12. Landing Page

Landing Page

Fixed header, light-box, video support, tabbed content, pricing table, subscribe form, W3C valid.
CSS, html, jpg, JS, layered PSD and PHP files included.

13. Interactive


Above the FOLD-X formula, video support, jQuery quotes, Thumbnails and Lightbox.
CSS, html, JS and layered PSD files included.

14. AppBundle Landing Page

AppBundle Landing Page

3 styles, Light-box, video support, countdown timer, thumbnail hover effect, W3C valid.
CSS, html, jpg, JS and layered PSD files included.



Clean code, easy to change colors, 2 background images.
CSS, html, jpg and layered PSD files included.

16. Superlander


Unlimited color options, image slider, scrolling testimonials, hover fading, image coin slider, PrettyPhoto plugin, tabbed content, comparison table, ToolTip plugin.
CSS, html, jpg, JS, layered PNG and layered PSD files included.

17. Apper


2 color themes, 3 page templates, PHP contact form, Twitterfeed reader, quote randomizer, jQuery for fading effects.
CSS, html, jpg, JS, layered PSD and PHP files included.

18. Appetizer


Cufon font replacement, PSD design and markup, EasySlider gallery, Fancybox, 54 button options, testimonials section, optional subscribe field, social icons links.
CSS, html, jpg, JS and layered PSD files included.

19. Detroit Lean

Detroit Lean

Cufon font replacement, PSD design and markup, 6 color options, custom tabbed feature area with video support, Fancybox, Easy Slider, Social icon links.
CSS, html, jpg, JS and layered PSD files included.

20. Modashop


jQuery cycle, countdown, cufon font replacement.
CSS, hmtl, jpg, JS, layered PSD and PHP files included.

21. Above The Fold

Above The Fold

Cufon font replacement, PSD design and markup, Fancybox, 54 button options, transparent gradient overlay, testimonials section, optional subscribe field, social icon links.
Layered PSD, jpg, html, CSS and JS files included.

22. Meegofurn


5 color schemes, 2 layouts, image/video slider, testimonials with fade effect, thumbnail hover effect, newsletter subscription form, carousel with lightbox, column layouts, 5 colored buttons, font-face, social icon area.
Layered PSD, jpg, html, CSS, JS and PHP files included.

23. Spark


Two layouts, two color themes, jQuery lightbox overlay for video, jQuery Nivo image slider, jQuery testimonial rotator, smooth page scroll, six custom designed icons, contact form.
Layered PNG, layered PSD, html, CSS, JS and PHP files included.

24. Premiere


Cufon font replacement, PSD design and markup, custom icons, 18 color options, custom feature grid and list, social icon links.
CSS, html, jpg, JS and layered PSD files included.

25. Lander


7 color schemes, social icons, jQuery modal windows, jQuery effects, jQuery tabs, PHP quote randomizer, contact form.
CSS, html, jpg, JS, layered PSD and PHP files included.

26. Slate


3 colored skin variations, Pretty-Photo Light Box gallery, Twitter feed integration, multiple feature sections, social icons area, tipsy rollovers, video support.

27. Call To Action

Call To Action

Cufon font replacement, PSD design and markup, EasySlider gallery, Fancybox, value grid, 54 button options, testimonials section, social icon links.
CSS, html, jpg, JS and layered PSD files included.

28. App Attack

App Attack

Cufon font replacement, PSD design and markup, EasySlider gallery, Fancybox, 18 skins, flexibla button area, testimonials column, highlighter and marker circle text tags, social link icons.

29. Hostone


Clean and professional design, valid Xhtml Strict and CSS, cufon font replacement.
CSS, html, jpg, JS, layered PSD and PHP files included.

30. Kibou


Multiple colors, custom Ajax contact form, autofilling form field, Lightbox with Fancybox.
Layered PNG, layered PSD, jpg, html, CSS, JS and PHP files included.

31. LandingPro


5 layouts, cufon font replacement, Carousel image and video gallery, email contact form, FancyBox support, 12+ included custom fonts.
CSS, html, jpg and JS files included.

32. MagicApp


2 html layouts, tabs features, multiple column variations, multiple list items style, very extensive documentation.
CSS, html, jpg, JS and layered PSD files included.

33. Sola


Xhtml/CSS valid, main website navigation, 5 color chemes, 2 different layouts, jQuery news ticker, featured image/product section.
CSS, html, jpg, JS and layered PSD files included.

34. Template landing

Template landing

2 html layouts, item jQuery carousel, included PHP version with contact form, jQuery validation form, FancyBox, cufon font replacement, easy to edit.
Layered PSD, jpg, html, CSS, JS and PHP files included.

35. Eventmanagers


Three variations, cufon font replacement, coda bubble/mouse over popup, thumbnail popup/hover effect, countdown timer, W3C valid.
Layered PSD, html, CSS and JS files included.

36. Sidekick


Fant font replacement, PSD design and markup, video support, optional subscribe field and button, social icon links.
Layered PSD, jpg, html, CSS and JS files included.

37. Stato


Only html/CSS (flexible), areas divided into separate wrappings.
CSS, html and layered PSD files included.

38. RT-landing page

RT-landing page

3 easy to modify skins, slider, cufon text replacement, valid xhtml transitional, valid CSS.
CSS, html, jpg, JS and layered PSD files included.

39. PixoreLander


3 variations, jQuery cycle plugin, social network area, multiple columns layout, buy now section, multiple list styles, flexible layouts.
CSS, html, jpg, JS and layered PSD files included.

40. Solea


Contact form, subscribe form, googla map integration, jQuery powered effects, testimonial scroller, custom font, built in CSS framework.
CSS, html, jpg, JS, layered PNG, layered PSD and PHP files included.

41. Lavender


Nivoslider, PrettyPhoto, cufon font replacement and more.
CSS, html, jpg, JS and layered PSD files included.

42. Landing


Cufon font replacement, PrettyPhoto gallery, index files with Vimeo, YouTube and Image examples.
Layered PNG, layered PSD, jpg, html, CSS and JS files included.

43. Triple threat

Triple threat PSD design and markup, Fancybox integration, Easyslider gallery, Nivo slider, optional subscribe field and button, social icon links.
Layered PSD, jpg, html, CSS and JS files included.

44. Mozaic


Countdown, modal popup windows, lavamenu effect, featured product slider, 960 grid system, purchase form placeholder.
Layered PSD, jpg, html, CSS and JS files included.

45. Bizztools


Three variations, PrettyPhoto plugin, jQuery cycle plugin, div with hover effect, sliced PSD files, W3C valid.
Layered PSD, html, CSS and JS files included.

Landing Page Optimization

Building a highly optimized landing page is actually quite difficult.  All sorts of science goes into them just as in any design or marketing effort.  And by optimization I'm not referring to SEO.  I'm refering to conversions.  Landing pages should be optimized so that they convert.  After all that's why landing pages even exist.  You can think of landing pages in the sense of direct marketing ads.  If you've studied direct marketing at all you'll be better off in building your landing page.  If you haven't studied direct marketing at all then you really owe it to your business to learn because it is some powerful stuff.

There are some great articles out there that will help you with understanding landing page optimization.  It is quite indepth and because I'm running low on time I'll point you to two good articles here:

12 Landing Page Design Tips and Examples

and 10-point Checklist for Landing Page Design

You can use these landing page templates for all sorts of offers… Offers for your special App, web hosting, software, web design, marketing offers, custom services or building your email list.

These are all HTML templates but if you are looking for an easier way to build landing pages there is an awesome new WordPress landing page template builder called OptimizePress that has just been released.  I picked up a copy last week and I've been messing around with it and I can say that it is well worth the price.  It allows you to build landing pages, squeeze pages, optin pages, sales letters etc using WordPress, which is awesome.  Check it out if you're looking for an easier way to build nice looking no nonsense landing pages.

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